Grounding, when was the last time you walked barefoot?


Follow my blog with Bloglovin. Many of the things we did naturally when we were kids, we lost along the way in our journey through life. It’s such a shame we got so immersed in the lives we created for ourselves that we forget our basic instincts. For example, I don’t know any kid who […]

What’s wrong with Expectations, and why use Intentions instead

Expectations, hmm, something that most of us experienced a long time ago, maybe even before we were conceived. I want him to be a boy. I want her to be a girl. Maybe he will become a lawyer. Perhaps she will be a doctor. I hope he will find a stunning girl, I hope she […]

You HAVE TO read this

i choose

How did you felt when you read “HAVE TO”? I suppose something in you triggered and made you click on the link. Maybe you thought it is something urgent or vital that you need to know. “HAVE TO” has tremendous power over us in our times. Since I’ve known myself, I question everything, facts, words, ideas, […]

From Postnatal Depression To My Own Business


What do you want to become when you grow older? It is a question that is not intended to do any harm but sets a cornerstone for many frustrations and inner struggles. When I was little, I wanted to become a doctor. My father couldn’t wish for something better than this. A doctor in the […]

7 Ways To Restore Mental Clarity


There are times when it seems like words, ideas, things, past, present, future, job, family, and emotions are all at the same time in your head. Times when you just want everything to stop and have a little moment of quiet so you can recalibrate yourself and put everything into order.  Maybe you are in […]

The truth about self-transformation

In recent years we have begun to talk more and more about self-transformation. The change is happening, and we can not ignore it anymore. We are much more than our fears, limitations, and beliefs. Out there is a world that can’t wait for us to shine, help each other, love each other, and create heaven […]

Your ego is not your enemy, change your perception

Since I’ve known myself, I had this restlessness inside of me. I was always asking questions and wanting to understand everything. Like all of you, I had different kinds of experiences, painful, uplifting, and everything in between these extremes. These events helped me reach a point where I discovered how to make my life balanced and […]

Enjoy being alone, 9 inspiring ideas you can apply now

Being alone with yourself and enjoying it can be equally challenging and effortless. No one has taught us how to enjoy ourselves.  When we are little, we learn how the world function, how we function in the world. We are creating our patterns, which we also apply in our adult life. Some of them are still […]

Seven Transformative Steps to Consciously Love Yourself

When was the last time you learned to love yourself or whispered to your own heart, “I love myself”? Learning to love yourself is an intriguing paradox. It can be a challenging and time-consuming journey, yet, when you experience it, it unfolds with surprising speed and remarkable ease. The key here is the word “consciously.” […]