Powerful Mantras for Peace of Mind and Inner Joy

Photo by cottonbro: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-in-red-long-sleeve-shirt-holding-white-paper-5415777/

I grew up in an Orthodox family, and religion has interested me since I was little. I don’t know why, but it seemed like an intriguing subject to me. Also, I liked asking many questions and contesting the things I was hearing or reading about. After I got in contact with other religions, I began […]

How to Invite Gratitude into Your Daily Life

how to invite gratitude into your life

Gratitude is a virtue that can change our lives but that is slightly used and far too little understood. When we think about gratitude we need to have in mind the three components that make it so powerful. The first one is feeling grateful for the things you have in your life. The second one […]

Night Habit for a Healthy Relationship. With Yourself or Your Partner.

night habit healthy relationship

One of the most important aspects of a relationship, whether we are talking about a romantic relationship or our relationship with ourselves, are the habits we embrace. Habits are part of our daily lives, even if we want them or not.  Life is a constant process of learning and unlearning things, so it is better […]

How to Get Your Life Back into Balance. Every Time!

Get Your Life Back Into Balance

One of the things we struggle with nowadays is establishing the balance between all the facets of our lives. Family, kids, romantic relationships, inner life, work, hobbies, school, social life, healthy habits, fun, personal growth, and the list continues.  A few years ago, I discovered that we all experience feelings in the same manner. It […]

47 Quotes about Compassion, Self-Love & Empowerment

Self-love Quotes

Quotes have a strange power to change people’s perceptions and even lives. I believe we’ve all experienced at least one moment in our lives in which a phrase said by someone or read somewhere made us pause and think about it for a long time, even after the moment passed. I gathered in this post […]

How to Support Your Partner when He Experiences Sadness

what to do when yur partner experiences sadness

Even though sadness feels the same for both women and men, the reaction to sadness is quite different. As I said in my previous article, What To Do When The Woman You Love Is Sad, sadness is an experience that needs to be felt, understood, accepted and released. It’s a healthy process that allows us to […]

What to do when the Woman You Love is Sad


It is ok to feel sad. There is nothing wrong with it as long as we don’t dwell in that state. Being sad is an experience that needs to be felt, understood, accepted and released. We give ourselves the space to process everything and make the most out of the experience.  When our partner is […]

How Can Men Express Their Love? 7 Easy Ideas

conscious man

For me, February is a special month because love is on the lips of many people and is celebrated worldwide. Christian, my partner, was born in February and there are many special traditions all over the world that celebrate love. You may say that you don’t believe in these kinds of rituals and it’s fine, […]

Can tapping help anxiety? What is EFT and how to tap


In the last weeks, I talked with different people about the stressful and anxious moments they had lately. We also spoke about a new method they discovered in their efforts to restore peace and regain balance. The technique is called EFT tapping.   I have to say I was impressed to hear that they tried […]

Honesty, the key to everything you want. Are you honest with yourself?


Before you start reading this article, I invite you to think about honesty. Honesty in relationship with other souls but mostly in relationship with YOURSELF.  We often think about honesty as something we claim from those around us, but we brutally fail at being honest with ourselves, thus towards others. All day long, we lie […]