How can Mushrooms Save Our Planet
Mushrooms are saving our world. Yes, you read it correctly. This incredible fungus is working for our well-being while we are living our busy lives. We all know what mushrooms are and how they look like, or we think we know because mushrooms are much more than you ever imagined. For example, did you know […]
7 Ways To Restore Mental Clarity
There are times when it seems like words, ideas, things, past, present, future, job, family, and emotions are all at the same time in your head. Times when you just want everything to stop and have a little moment of quiet so you can recalibrate yourself and put everything into order. Maybe you are in […]
Chia seeds, 4 easy recipes for kids and adults
I discovered chia seeds some years ago, but only recently I made them part of our breakfasts. These incredible seeds are easy to prepare, have an interesting and pleasant texture when blended with liquid and can also be combined with various other ingredients. Since I started using them regularly, I played with different mixtures and […]
On the paths of my imagination
Sometimes I find myself wondering on the paths of my imagination and discovering new perspectives of everyday things. Ways that defy and challenge the current views. Each time I’m in this kind of a moment, feelings like happiness and hope embrace me. Therefore I decided to write them down, and give them a chance to have […]
5 Things You Need In Your Life
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because…
Toddler breastfeeding and sleeping patterns
Being a parent is one of the most complex and challenging experiences of life. It lifts you, and it throws you on the ground. It’s tearing you apart just to build you back in another better version of yourself. Almost all parents want their children to be healthy and happy. To grow up into independent […]
What Crystals to Have in Your Home and Where to Place Them
Crystals are among the planet’s most delicate expressions of beauty, each possessing unique energies that irresistibly draw us toward them. I can recall countless moments spent in gem shops, completely captivated by a crystal’s allure, prompting me to bring it home. My connection with crystals began several years ago, and since then, I’ve immersed myself […]
The truth about self-transformation
In recent years we have begun to talk more and more about self-transformation. The change is happening, and we can not ignore it anymore. We are much more than our fears, limitations, and beliefs. Out there is a world that can’t wait for us to shine, help each other, love each other, and create heaven […]
Balcony makeover into toddler playground
Hello, ladies, these past days I was very busy with a new playful project I was thinking about for a very long time. A balcony makeover into a toddler playground. We used the balcony as a storage space, but uninvited things kept popping up from time to time, so it became quite unpleasant. Therefore, we decided to […]
London Real, five inspiring interviews
I discovered London Real some years ago when I moved to Denmark and had some time to focus on myself and my development. London Real started as a podcast in 2011 and developed into a series of filmed interviews, short movies, and a personal mentorship Academy. We believe that spending time watching or listening […]